Page 4 - OLF Newsletter February 2023
P. 4

Celebration of the Asian Youth Gathering

                       FABC-OLF organized a Virtual             SDB, President of the FABC. One of the
        The Asian Youth Gathering on 19                         highlights  of  the  AYG  was  Small  group
        November 2022.  It is  a response to the call           sharing,  where  participants  were  mixed
        of  Pope  Francis  in  preparation  for  the            with others from different countries. It was
        WYD. Approximate 200 participants from                  a very good opportunity to interact and to
        a total of 14 countries in the Asian regions,           learn from one another. The Virtual Asian
        i.e.,  Bangladesh,  Hong  Kong,  India,                 Youth Gathering culminated with a Live
        Indonesia,       Japan,     Malaysia,       Nepal,      Eucharistic  Celebration.  His  Eminence
        Philippines,  Singapore,  South  Korea,                 Cardinal  William  Goh  hosted  and
        Taiwan,  Thailand,  Timor  Leste  and                   celebrated  the  Live  Eucharist  from  the
        Vietnam, actively participated in it. As it             Good Shepherd Cathedral, Singapore. His
        served  as  the  preparatory  event  for  the           Grace  Gilbert  Garcera  and  some  other
        celebration  of  the  forthcoming  World                priests  concelebrated  with  him.  His
        Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal,, the                Eminence         Cardinal       William        Goh
        Virtual  AYG  focused  on  the  theme  of               challenged the participants with the text
        "Mary arose and went with haste." (Luke                 from the Gospel of St. Luke. He inspired
        1:39), inviting young people throughout                 and encouraged the youth by summoning
        Asia  to  arise  and  go  with  haste  in  their        them: (i) to Surrender their lives to Jesus,
        lives, just like Mary did. In the AYG, the              (ii)  to  Express  their  Joy,  (iii)  to  be
        opening and Closing remarks were given                  Messengers/witnesses of the proclamation
        by His Grace Archbishop Gilbert Garcera,                of the Gospel, (iv) to put Jesus at the center
        the Chairman of the FABC-OLF, and the                   of their lives, and (v) to be the now of the
        welcoming  Address  was  given  by  His                 Church.
        Eminence  Cardinal  Charles  Maung  Bo,

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